Easeus Data Recovery Free Download Full (Win/Mac)
Download Easeus Data Recovery Full Version v17.0 for Windows and Mac. You have most likely deleted a file by accident or by formatting the drive. It might seem ridiculous, but you’ve done it before, sooner or later. However, wouldn’t it be nice to recover the loss files with a simple click? Well, this is maybe one of the best features provided by EaseUS. This data recovery software has the ability to recover any of your files from the graveyard. It also can recover deleted files due to formatting, virus attack or even hardware error.
Learn how to use EaseUS Data Recovery to start restore any kind of your file on your computer.
With this software on hand, you don’t have to be a technology master. You just need to know how to use your mouse or trackpad and click. In fact, it only requires three clicks at the most, amazing right? Therefore, this makes the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard the best choice for anyone and everyone. It is versatile enough to meet your personal needs and even experts requirements while being basic enough to accommodate tech newbies. Do you want to try this application? Get the EaseUS Data Recovery Free Download Full Version for Windows and MacOS.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Features (Win/Mac)
- Support dynamic disks and Ability to restore files.
- Restore encrypted and compressed files.
- It has also can restore data from iPod.
- Ability to create profiles in the software.
- Ability to stop and resume ongoing processes.
- Supports file systems FAT12, FAT16, VFAT, FAT32, NTFS / NTFS5, EXT2 and EXT3.
- Support for IDE / ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, IEEE1394 hard drives.
- Improves the quality of NAS recovery.
- Optimized Filter and Search.
- It also supports files with long names.
- Support WinPE Bootable Installation.
- Recover lost data due to accidental deleting or unfinished Copy & Cut.
- Support up to Windows 10 64 Bit.
- Support Windows 11 Pro.
- Also support MacOS Sonoma 2024.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Information :
- Software Name : EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.
- Setup File Name : ESDR17win.zip, ESDR152winpe.zip, ESDR1385mac.zip
- Full Setup Size : 71MB, 522MB & 51MB.
- Setup Type : Offline Installer.
- Compatibility Architecture : 32 Bit (x86) & 64 Bit (x64) | MacOS Sonoma.
- Latest Release Added On : August 2024.
How to Install EaseUS Data Recovery (Win/Mac)
- Download Easeus Data Recovery Full Version Free.
- Extract with the latest WinRAR.
- First, open the BlockFakeSite folder. Run the file inside.
- Second, Setup.exe and install the application as usual.
- Third, open the Crack folder. Open the applications in order.
– BlockHost to block the application from the internet.
– Patcher for patch/crack > Press the Patch button.
– Activator for software activation > Press the Activate button. - For EaseUS Data Recovery MacOS, just install it..
- As for the WinPE version, you have to Burn ISO file to DVD.
(or you can use Rufus and install bootale on USB Flashdisk). - After all activation success, Enjoy!
Also Download: Stellar Data Recovery Technician Full Version

Thanks gan, technician work! awalnya ga jadi, ternyata saya yang kurang teliti
Bang, ini cuman bisa MacOs Monterey ya? Belum ada untuk versi ventura?
thanks a lot gan, working well di gw
Cara uninstall gimana gan?
mau copy file “patch.exe” ke directory tidak bisa. Dianggap window defender itu threat. hackttoolwin32 dan misleadingwin.
ada solusi ?
Dimatikan dulu Windows Defender realtime protectionnya gan.
Ndak bisa aktivasinya bro
Sudah ada versi terbaru bro. Cek lagi diatas, thank you! 😀
activationnya udah ga bisa gans, helep
Saya udah update versi paling baru. Monggo di download dan update.
ga bisa gan, udah dimatiin kok ad blocknya
Apanya yang ga bisa? Gabisa download maksudnya?
selalu dibilang aktivasi filed om padahal sudah saya ikuti step by step
Coba pake versi terbaru om. Mungkin dulu ngebug aktivasinya.
itu cara aktifin kode ke 2 gi mn bang? udah saya ikutin cara nya
apakah isinya aplikasi saja?
yang technician keygennya ga bisa di activate, yg winpe ga bisa di boot, padahal udah di mount
Sudah cek file readme.txt untuk yg technician?
cracknya mati keknya Om
Linknya gabisa gan
Saya coba bisa kok gan 🙂
activation codenya gabisa dimasukkin, dibilangnya salah 🙁
kagak bisa diekstrax mang
Makasih bro, sukses ..
Mati tu link
dah bener sekarang om